The Patriot Expo Columbia, SC June 26, 2009. You can still see it here
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Peter Koenig exposed the real nature of the World Bank
Peter Koenig has worked for the World Bank most of his career. He has traveled throughout the world looking at the hidden activities of the World Bank and the results of the bank’s development policies.
Patriot Expo 2009 Patrick Henry Speech as done by Harry McKay
Patrick Henry Speech as done by Harry McKay at the Ron Paul Freedom Rally
Thomas Moore - video in progress
Thomas Moore, originally from South Carolina, lives and writes in Alexandria, Virginia. The Hunt for Confederate Gold is his fourth book. Before completing The Hunt for Confederate Gold he wrote a non-fiction narrative, School for Genius: the Story of Switzerland's Federal Technical Institute, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of this world-famous Swiss university. Moore was a leader in Washington's defense and international security community and an expert consultant to the firearms industry. He served two years in the Pentagon during the Reagan Administration and five years in the U.S. Senate, including the Professional Staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee under Chairman Strom Thurmond. From 1995 to 1998 he was director of defense and foreign policy at The Heritage Foundation. Moore is a 1970 graduate of The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina; attended the University of Grenoble, France under a French Government Scholarship, and earned a Master of Arts Degree from Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
The Hunt for Confederate Gold (Paperback) by Thomas Moore
A mystery, a thriller, and a love story all in one, The Hunt for Confederate Gold is based on one of America’s most intriguing unanswered questions: what happened to the Confederacy’s gold in 1865? And what might be the consequences if it were recovered today and returned to its rightful owners? And just who are the rightful owners, the U.S. Government, claiming it as contraband of a hundred-and-forty-year-old rebellion; or the Southern people? The Hunt for Confederate Gold is an exciting journey into an unsolved mystery of the past and into the crises of the present. A book of national significance, it strips the veil of falsehood from officialdom and illuminates the threats to our liberty and prosperity from those charged with safeguarding them – our own government. The Hunt for Confederate Gold is written not just about the South, but for the South; not just by a Southerner, but for Southerners. Powerfully and beautifully written, it captures the haunting beauty of the Southland and the ache in Southern hearts to preserve a proud heritage.
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