Is Diane Feinstein's home a "gun free zone"?
Why not ask your own senator if his home a "gun free
Why not ask your own congressman if
his home a "gun free zone"?
Diane Feinstein states this:
"I know the sense of
helplessness that people feel. I know the urge to arm yourself because that's
what I did. I was trained in firearms. I walked to the hospital when my husband
was sick. I carried a concealed weapon, and I made the determination if somebody
was going to try and take me out, I was going to take them with
Does she want to take your gun so that she can add it to
her own collection?
Obama just gave himself armed guards for life, but he wants YOU to be

The staged mass killing at Newtown, Ct is being
used as an excuse to disarm the American people.
The Guinness book of world records
shows the largest mass killings in the history of mankind to have happened in
China, under Mao, with a total of 66 million people.
Under Stalin the mass killings
totaled 20 million people.
Everyone knows about Hitler, but
he is low on the list with 6 million.
What did all of those millions of
people have in common?
What did the victims at
Newtown, CT have in common with all of those millions of people?
Now we are all supposed to decide that
banning guns would prevent this type of crime. But
wait! Guns are ALREADY banned in schools. That is WHY the
shootings happen in schools. A school is a HELPLESS VICTIM ZONE. How should we fight crime? WE SHOULD SHOOT
BACK! Gun laws do not stop criminals- bullets do.
The Second Amendment clearly proclaims that the people have a
right to own guns and the government is prohibited from infringing on the right
of the people to own guns if they choose to do
The United States Constitution
Amendment II - Right to bear arms
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the
security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall
not be infringed."
Do you see anything about hunting here?
What part of "being necessary to the security of a free State"
do they not understand?
What part of "shall not be infringed"
do they not understand?

Alex Jones interviewed Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers. The Oath
Keepers organization has already massively organized inside of the police and
Police and military who betray their oath to defend the Constitution, do so
at their your own peril. Stormtroopers are peacocks one day and feather dusters
the next. Tyrants need stormtroopers, corrupt politicians, and lawyers while
they are accumulating power. They kill them later. Whoever the tyrant allows to
survive will meet justice after the tyrant falls. Like it or not, Nuremberg will
happen again. When police & military refuse to obey illegal orders the
dictator fails.
The power hungry megalomaniacs need to watch the videos
of what happened to Mussolini, Ceausescu, and of NUREMBERG trials. At Nuremberg
the thugs said they were "just doing their jobs" or that they were "just obeying
orders". How did that work? Here is a video that will help you remember. Most
of them are seen on slabs, with nooses still around their necks.
Proof will be before your eyes, with a click of a mouse, on the link
Will Military and Police Respond to The Systematic Gun Grab?
The tactic is called
from above and below
more at this link:
False flag attacks and staged acts of terrorism provide the
EXCUSE FOR TYRANNY. We are supposed to be scared into accepting despotism. We
must not destroy freedom in the name of defending freedom. Be careful about
elimination of rights, or the setting up of totalitarian instruments. No
dictator ever allows the people to own guns. We are 10 times more likely to be killed by police than by terrorists.
Terrorism is an EXCUSE for tyranny.

Stewart Rhodes Also Spoke at Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace
Officers Convention:
Sheriffs and OUR Peace Officers to keep their OATH to defend the Constitution
against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC. If the federal government sends people
into your state or county, to violate your constitutional rights, your local
authorities have a DUTY to arrest them.
Send this to your county Sheriff:
Sheriff ________________,
As the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in
_______________County you were required to take an oath to preserve, protect and
defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Having
taken that oath I would like to know if you will honor your oath by refusing to
enforce Federal rules, regulations and directives that violate the Constitution
and/or the Bill of Rights.
Second Amendment clearly proclaims that the people have a right to own guns and
the government is prohibited from infringing on the right of the people to own
guns if they choose to do so. Your primary job is to preserve, protect and
defend the Constitution and the rights of the people that live in our County.
The Supreme Court has
ruled that the Federal government has no lawful jurisdiction in the counties and
that when a Sheriff chooses to enforce an unconstitutional directive, he is
violating his Constitutional Oath.
The people
of _______ County are The People and you are their Chief Law Enforcement
Representative. We The People of ______ County expect you to represent us and
not the Federal government.
I would like to know
if you are given an order by the president of The USA that violates the
Constitution, will you honor your oath or will you do as directed by that so
called “president”.
Watch the full NULLIFICATION
We must demand that our Sheriff's protect us for unconstitutional attacks
on our life, liberty and property.
To understand this read:
Sheriff Mack's booklet covers decades of research to prove once and for
all that the sheriffs in this country are indeed the ultimate law authority in
their respective jurisdictions. The sheriff absolutely has the power and
responsibility to defend his citizens against all enemies, including those from
our own Federal Government. History, case law, common law and common sense all
show clear evidence that the sheriff is the people's protector in all issues of
injustice and is responsible for keeping the peace in all matters. He is the
last line of defense for his constituents; he is America's last hope to regain
our forgotten freedom. This short but powerful booklet is a must read for all
citizens, sheriffs, and government officials that we may all work to return
America to the constitutional republic she was meant to be. Amazing as it might
be, the sheriff can make this happen!
View the full Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers
The former Texas House Representative, Dr. Suzanna Gratia Hupp testified
before Congress on why good Americans should NOT obey bad gun laws. At one time
Dr. Suzanna Hupp would have had a gun in her purse, but she had left it in the
car, in order to comply with a law. Both of her parents were shot by a mad man.
Her father died before her eyes. Her mother died because she would not leave her
father even though she had a chance to escape. Ever since that day, she has been
teaching about a right-to-carry law that would have probably saved her parents'
lives. Here is her testimony: